Discovering your personal legacy
"What do I want people to say about me at my funeral?"
Recently it occurred to me that I have made many important decisions in my life by reflecting on my own personal legacy and asking this question. It sounds weird, but for me, its a way of asking "how does this decision fit with my view of myself and what I want to achieve in my life?" Your legacy doesn't have to be fixed. Over time the definition of your legacy can change and grow. But the idea that your personal and professional goals have a purpose greater than yourself is energising and motivating. It's also very practical. Having a personal legacy assists with the big decisions. If you make those decisions in a way that advances your legacy it will ensure that the path you choose is personally fulfilling and meaningful.
One of my favourite topics of discussion during coaching is the client's personal legacy and the related issues of purpose and core values. It's fascinating stuff and can lead to dramatic changes of perspective and personal growth.
If you would like to advance your own personal legacy, please get in touch through LinkedIn Messages or at to arrange an obligation free call to discuss