About Me

Hi, I’m Dimity,
a lawyer & executive
coach to lawyers.
I have spent more than 20 years in Australia's largest commercial law firms. I started my legal career at Blake Dawson (now Ashurst) in 2001 and then moved to Norton Rose Fulbright in 2011 eventually becoming Special Counsel. I practised primarily in International Trade Law, Admiralty & Maritime Law and International Dispute Resolution.
As a senior lawyer, I was responsible for the delivery of the legal aspects of very large commercial projects and litigation managing team members, senior partners and clients. In 2019, I decided to take a leap to follow my passion for mentoring and coaching.
I undertook Australia's most highly regarded coaching training, the MSc (Coaching Psychology) at the University of Sydney. It is here that I discovered and became enthralled with the science of human flourishing.
I now use my passion, experience and knowledge to help lawyers flourish and find success on their own terms.

My Vision
My vision is that it becomes the standard in the law to have lawyers who are flourishing and law firms where that flourishing is supported and encouraged.
My Mission
My mission is to change the culture of the law by emboldening lawyers to be the best possible versions of themselves. This will lead them to make decisions which sustain and develop them personally and professionally and demand the same from those around them.
Book a free call
To arrange an obligation free call to discuss whether coaching might be right for you, please click on the below link, otherwise email me at info@dimitybrown.com